Embrace the night

Lạc- 05111992

Something about me:
+I love music, anime, manga, jrock, jpop, books, japan, shoes, cats, pug, photography, wind, cute things, old things, money, cafe...
+I love myself. I heart the colour black. I heart the colour blood red. I'm rain-hater. I'm sunshine-hater. I don't really start conversations. I don't like crowded areas. I curse people in my mind.
I'm very chaotic. I make excuses for everything and I can't finish what I start. I'm glad I'm not perfect, It'd make me boring.

Fasten your seatbelts, welcome on your flight to my life.


tagboard here

February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011

Layout : yuekaire
Icon :me
Saturday, April 23, 2011 / 9:03 PM

Sao lại có người sở hữu cái miệng siêu dễ thương và siêu quyến rũ như thế này hả hả hả hả ??? ;____;

-tumblr & me♥-

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