Embrace the night

Lạc- 05111992

Something about me:
+I love music, anime, manga, jrock, jpop, books, japan, shoes, cats, pug, photography, wind, cute things, old things, money, cafe...
+I love myself. I heart the colour black. I heart the colour blood red. I'm rain-hater. I'm sunshine-hater. I don't really start conversations. I don't like crowded areas. I curse people in my mind.
I'm very chaotic. I make excuses for everything and I can't finish what I start. I'm glad I'm not perfect, It'd make me boring.

Fasten your seatbelts, welcome on your flight to my life.


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February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011

Layout : yuekaire
Icon :me
Monday, May 2, 2011 / 10:00 PM

"Làm một con quạ chẳng có gì sai cả. Nếu đem so sánh với lũ chim tội nghiệp bị nhốt trong lồng, quên mất cả cách bay, thì làm quạ vẫn tốt hơn nhiều. Đối với tôi, được làm một con quạ là tốt rồi"
-Genji Takiya-

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